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Gagne Hierarchy of Learning (MADE EASY WITH EXAMPLES)

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Imagine you’re climbing a staircase where each step teaches you something new and exciting. This is what Gagne Hierarchy of Learning is all about! Created by Robert Gagne, this concept helps us understand how we learn, one step at a time.

Think of it like playing a game where you start with the basics and gradually move to more complex levels. First, you learn simple facts, then you start to understand concepts, and finally, you can solve tricky problems and come up with your own ideas.

Ready to take the first step on this learning adventure? Let’s go!

The higher levels of learning in this hierarchy build on the lower levels and need progressively higher degrees of prior knowledge.

Robert Gagne

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

Albert Einstein

In 1956, American educational psychologist Robert M. Gagne proposed a system for classifying different types of learning based on the complexity of mental processes involved. He identified eight basic types, arranged in a hierarchy. Here’s a simplified breakdown to understand Gagne’s theory:

  1. Hierarchy of Learning:
    • Eight Types of Learning: Gagne identified eight types, from simple to complex.
    • Progressive Learning: Higher levels build on lower ones, requiring more previous learning for success.
  2. Behavioral and Cognitive Focus:
    • Lower Orders: Focus on more behavioral aspects (simple actions and reactions).
    • Higher Orders: Focus on more cognitive aspects (complex thinking and problem-solving).
  3. Definition of Learning:
    • Permanent Change: Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to reinforced practice.
    • Learning vs. Performance: Learning is an internal state inferred from behavior, while performance is the observable behavior.
  4. Learning Events:
    • Components: Consist of stimuli (what triggers learning), learner (the individual learning), and responses (the learner’s reactions).

1. Signal Learning

Signal Learning is the simplest form of learning and involves classical conditioning, a concept first described by the behavioral psychologist Pavlov. Here’s what it means and how it works:

  1. Definition:
    • Signal learning is when an individual or animal responds to a signal (stimulus) with a conditioned response. The response is automatic and not consciously controlled.
  2. Key Characteristics:
    • Involuntary Response: The reactions are automatic and happen without conscious thought.
    • Emotional Response: Often, these responses are emotional in nature.
  3. How It Works:
    • Stimulus (Signal): Something that triggers a reaction.
    • Response: The automatic reaction to the stimulus.
  4. Pavlov’s Study:
    • Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, extensively studied signal learning through experiments with dogs.
    • He observed that dogs would salivate not only when they saw food but also when they heard the sound of food being prepared.
  5. Examples:
    • Hand Withdrawal: You quickly pull your hand back when you see a hot object.
      • Signal: Sight of a hot object.
      • Response: Withdrawing your hand.
    • Dog Salivation: A dog starts to salivate when it hears food being poured into its metal dish.
      • Signal: Sound of food being poured.
      • Response: Salivation.
    • Tearing Up: Your eyes water when you see an onion.
      • Signal: Sight of an onion.
      • Response: Tearing of the eyes.
    • A child associates the sound of an ice cream truck’s jingle with getting ice cream. Hearing the jingle prompts excitement and anticipation.
Additional Data:
  • Classical Conditioning: This learning process involves pairing a neutral stimulus (like a sound) with an unconditioned stimulus (like food) until the neutral stimulus alone elicits the conditioned response (like salivation).
  • Pavlov’s Experiment:
    • He used a bell (neutral stimulus) and paired it with food (unconditioned stimulus). Over time, the dog began to salivate (conditioned response) just by hearing the bell.

Signal learning is foundational in understanding how more complex forms of learning build on these basic automatic responses.


  • Automatic Response: Students react instinctively to safety signals, ensuring quick and effective responses.
  • Enhanced Learning: Association of the signal with safety rules reinforces understanding and retention.
  • Consistency: Establishes a uniform response protocol for all students, promoting a safer lab environment.

By utilizing signal learning in teaching safety rules, educators cultivate a safety-conscious mindset among students, fostering a secure and proactive learning environment in science labs.

2. Stimulus-Response Learning (Operant Conditioning)

Stimulus-response learning, also known as operant conditioning, is a more sophisticated form of learning developed by B.F. Skinner. Here’s a breakdown of how it works and its key components:

  1. Definition:
    • This type of learning involves making specific responses to specific stimuli, and is exemplified by animal training.
  2. Key Characteristics:
    • Precise Responses: The reactions are specific and controlled, not diffuse and emotional like in signal learning.
    • Learning Through Consequences: The behavior is influenced by rewards or punishments.
  3. How It Works:
    • Initial Training: Often requires tools like a leash and choke chain to guide the animal.
    • Rewards: Positive reinforcement such as pats and praise encourages the animal to repeat the behavior.
    • Verbal Commands: Eventually, the animal responds to simple verbal commands without the need for physical tools.
  4. Skinner’s Contribution:
    • B.F. Skinner developed the concept of operant conditioning, showing that behavior can be shaped by rewards and punishments.
  5. Examples:
    • Dog Training:
      • Initial Training: A dog learns to sit, stay, or lie down using a leash and choke chain.
      • Stimuli: Jerks of the leash.
      • Responses: Sitting, staying, or lying down.
      • Rewards: Pats and praise from the master.
      • Advanced Training: The dog later responds to verbal commands without the leash.
    • Verbal Skills:
      • Child Learning to Speak: A child learns to say “Mama” when prompted.
      • Stimulus: Request to say “Mama.”
      • Response: Saying “Mama.”
    • Language Learning:
      • Adult Learning a Foreign Language: An adult learns the correct response to a word in a foreign language.
      • Stimulus: Hearing a word in the foreign language.
      • Response: Saying the appropriate word or phrase in response.
Additional Data:
  • Operant Conditioning Principles:
    • Positive Reinforcement: Adding something pleasant to increase a behavior (e.g., giving a treat to a dog for sitting).
    • Negative Reinforcement: Removing something unpleasant to increase a behavior (e.g., stopping the leash jerking once the dog sits).
    • Punishment: Adding or removing something to decrease a behavior (e.g., a loud noise to stop a dog from barking).
  • Skinner’s Experiment:
    • Skinner used a “Skinner box” where an animal, like a rat, would press a lever to receive food, demonstrating how behaviors could be shaped by reinforcement.

Stimulus-response learning is fundamental in shaping both simple and complex behaviors, making it a critical concept in education, animal training, and behavior modification.


  • Increased Motivation: Rewards and positive reinforcement boost student engagement.
  • Improved Behavior: Clear consequences help manage classroom behavior effectively.
  • Enhanced Learning: Immediate feedback and rewards strengthen learning outcomes.

By applying these principles, educators create a supportive and motivating environment that fosters both academic achievement and positive behavior among students.

3. Chaining

Chaining is an advanced form of learning where individuals connect a series of previously learned stimulus-response (S-R) bonds into a linked sequence. This method is crucial for mastering complex skills. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Definition:
    • Linking S-R Bonds: Combining multiple stimulus-response pairs into a sequence to perform complex tasks.
  2. How It Works:
    • Sequential Learning: Each response in the sequence acts as a stimulus for the next response.
  3. Examples:
    • Psychomotor Skills:
      • Riding a Bicycle: Balancing, pedaling, steering, and braking are linked together to ride a bike.
      • Playing the Piano: Reading music, pressing keys, and coordinating hands are linked to play a piece.
      • Brushing teeth : picking up the toothbrush, applying toothpaste, brushing each section of the teeth, rinsing, and putting the toothbrush away. Each action leads to the next.
      • Animal Tricks: An animal learns a series of tricks where each trick cues the next one, like a dog rolling over after sitting.
  4. Natural Process:
    • Seamless Learning: Often occurs so naturally that we don’t notice the series of events leading to the complex behavior.
  5. Gagne’s Example:
    • Child Learning:
      • A child first learns to say “doll” when seeing a doll.
      • Then, the child learns to lie down, hug the doll, and say “doll” in a linked sequence.
  • Educational Applications:
    • Task Analysis: Breaking down complex skills into smaller, manageable steps for teaching.
    • Skill Development: Teaching steps in a specific order to help students link actions and achieve a final goal.


  • Mastery of Complex Skills: Helps in learning and mastering complex tasks efficiently.
  • Enhanced Coordination: Improves coordination of multiple actions to achieve a desired outcome.
  • Structured Learning: Provides a clear structure for learning intricate processes.

By understanding and applying the concept of chaining, educators can effectively teach complex skills by breaking them down into simpler, linked steps, making the learning process smoother and more efficient for students.

4. Verbal Association

Verbal association is a form of chaining where the links between items are verbal in nature. It plays a crucial role in the development of language skills. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Definition:
    • Verbal Chaining: Connecting verbal units in a sequence to form associations.
  2. How It Works:
    • Naming Objects: The simplest form involves naming an object, which is a two-link chain:
      • Observation: The child observes and identifies the object.
      • Naming: The child says the object’s name.
  3. Examples:
    • Simple Association:
      • Example: A child sees a ball and says “ball.”
    • Extended Association:
      • Example: The child extends this to “the red ball,” creating a three-link chain (observation, identifying the color, naming the object).
  4. Gagne’s Concept:
    • Translation Responses:
      • Verbal Mediation: Internal verbal links help learners associate new words with known concepts.
      • Learning a new language by associating a foreign word with its translation in the learner’s native language. For Example: A student learning a new language associates “Hola” with “Hello” in English. When greeted with “Hola,” they respond with the appropriate greeting in the new language.
  • Educational Applications:
    • Vocabulary Building: Teaching new words and their associations to build a rich vocabulary.
    • Language Learning: Using translation and context to help students learn a new language more effectively.


  • Enhanced Language Skills: Helps in the development and enrichment of language abilities.
  • Better Communication: Improves the ability to describe and relate objects and concepts verbally.
  • Cognitive Development: Strengthens mental connections between words and their meanings.

By leveraging verbal association, educators can enhance students’ language skills, enabling them to form and understand complex verbal connections, ultimately improving their communication abilities.

5. Discrimination Learning

Discrimination learning involves the ability to make different responses to a series of similar stimuli that differ in a systematic way. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Definition:
    • Differentiating Responses: Learning to respond appropriately to different but similar stimuli.
  2. Complexity:
    • Interference: One piece of learning can inhibit another, making the process more difficult and contributing to forgetting.
  3. How It Works:
    • Distinct Responses: The student must learn to provide different responses to similar stimuli that might be easily confused.
  4. Examples:
    • Motor and Verbal Chains: Distinguishing between similar actions or words already learned.
    • Classroom Example: Teachers use discrimination learning by learning to call each student by the correct name, even if some names are similar.
  5. Educational Applications:
    • Subject Differentiation: Teaching students to distinguish between similar concepts in subjects like math or science.
      • Example: Differentiating between the formulas for area and perimeter.
    • Language Learning: Helping students distinguish between similar-sounding words or grammatical structures.
      • Example: Learning the difference between “there,” “their,” and “they’re.”
    • A driver learns to recognize and respond differently to traffic lights: stopping at a red light, preparing to stop at a yellow light, and proceeding at a green light.
  • Cognitive Challenges:
    • Interference Effect: A significant factor in forgetting, where similar pieces of information conflict with each other.
    • Mitigation Strategies: Repetition and varied practice can help reduce interference.


  • Enhanced Accuracy: Improves the ability to make precise responses to similar stimuli.
  • Better Memory Retention: By distinguishing similar information, students can better retain and recall knowledge.
  • Critical Thinking: Encourages analytical skills and careful observation.

By incorporating discrimination learning, educators can help students develop the ability to differentiate between similar concepts, enhancing their overall understanding and retention of information.

6. Concept Learning

Concept learning involves developing the ability to make consistent responses to different stimuli that share a common class or category. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Definition:
    • Consistent Response to Categories: Learning to respond similarly to different stimuli that belong to the same category.
  2. Core Idea:
    • Abstract Characteristics: Responses are based on abstract features like color, shape, position, and number, rather than specific physical properties.
  3. How It Works:
    • Generalization and Classification: Helps in forming generalizations and classifications based on common attributes.
  4. Examples:
    • Color Concept: Recognizing all red objects (apples, cars, shirts) as belonging to the “red” category.
    • Shape Concept: Identifying various round objects (balls, coins, wheels) as belonging to the “circle” category.
    • A child learns the concept of “fruit” by identifying common characteristics such as being edible, sweet, and containing seeds. They can then categorize apples, oranges, and bananas as fruits.
  5. Behavior Control:
    • Abstract Properties: The student’s behavior is influenced by the abstract properties of the stimuli, not by the specific physical details.
  6. Concrete References:
    • Language Use: Concepts are learned using language and have concrete references even though the properties are abstract.
Educational Applications:
  • Math and Geometry: Teaching concepts like shapes, numbers, and patterns.
    • Example: Understanding that both a triangle drawn on paper and a triangular road sign represent the concept of a triangle.
  • Science: Classifying organisms, elements, or phenomena.
    • Example: Grouping animals into categories like mammals, reptiles, and birds based on common traits.
  • Language and Grammar: Learning parts of speech or sentence structures.
    • Example: Recognizing different nouns (dog, city, happiness) as belonging to the noun category.


  • Enhanced Understanding: Helps students grasp broader principles and ideas, not just specific instances.
  • Better Generalization: Enables students to apply learned concepts to new situations.
  • Improved Classification: Aids in organizing knowledge into meaningful categories.

By using concept learning, educators can help students develop a deeper understanding of categories and general principles, enhancing their ability to apply knowledge across different contexts.

7. Rule Learning

Rule learning is a high-level cognitive process where individuals learn relationships between concepts and apply these relationships in new situations. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Definition:
    • Learning Relationships: Understanding and applying the relationships between different concepts.
  2. Core Idea:
    • Concept Chains: Rules are essentially chains of related concepts.
  3. How It Works:
    • Building Hierarchies: Knowledge is structured as a hierarchy of rules, where simpler rules must be learned before more complex ones.
    • Application in New Situations: Ability to apply learned rules to situations not previously encountered.
  4. Examples:
    • Math Rules:
      • Basic Rules: Learning addition and subtraction.
      • Complex Rules: Using these to understand and apply the rules of algebra.
    • Grammar Rules:
      • Basic Rules: Understanding subject-verb agreement and tense.
      • Complex Rules: Constructing complex sentences using these basic grammar rules.
  5. Teaching Process:
    • Component Concepts: Ensure the student understands the individual concepts and simpler rules.
    • Verbal Instruction: Teachers can then use verbal instruction to help students integrate these rules into more complex ones.
Educational Applications:
  • Mathematics:
    • Example: Learning the rules of arithmetic operations and then applying them to solve algebraic equations.
  • Science:
    • Example: Understanding the laws of motion by first learning about force and acceleration.
  • Language and Grammar:
    • Example: Using basic grammar rules to form more complex sentences.


  • Advanced Problem Solving: Helps in tackling complex problems by applying known rules.
  • Transferable Skills: Enables students to use learned rules in various, unfamiliar situations.
  • Deep Understanding: Promotes a deeper understanding of how different concepts are interrelated.

By mastering rule learning, students can develop the ability to understand and apply complex relationships between concepts, leading to better problem-solving skills and adaptability in diverse learning situations.

8. Problem Solving

Problem solving is the highest level of cognitive process according to Gagne. It involves creating complex rules or procedures to solve specific problems and applying these methods to similar issues. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Definition:
    • Inventing Solutions: Developing complex rules, algorithms, or procedures to solve specific problems.
  2. Core Idea:
    • Using Rules to Achieve Goals: Applying known rules to reach a solution and gaining new knowledge in the process.
  3. How It Works:
    • Combining Lower-Order Rules: Problem solving involves using multiple simpler rules to create a higher-order rule.
    • Thinking Process: Requires internal cognitive processes often referred to as thinking.
  4. Examples:
    • Math Problems:
      • Example: Solving a complex equation by applying rules of algebra, geometry, and calculus.
    • Scientific Experiments:
      • Example: Designing an experiment to test a hypothesis by using principles from various scientific disciplines.
    • Daily Life:
      • Example: Planning a trip by combining knowledge of geography, budgeting, and time management.
    • An engineer uses knowledge of physics, mathematics, and materials science to design a bridge that can withstand specific loads and environmental conditions. This process involves analyzing the problem, generating solutions, and testing prototypes.
  5. Teaching Process:
    • Prerequisite Knowledge: Ensure students have learned the necessary lower-order rules.
    • Guided Practice: Provide opportunities for students to apply these rules to new and complex problems.
Educational Applications:
  • STEM Subjects:
    • Example: Engineering students solving design problems using principles from physics, mathematics, and materials science.
  • Project-Based Learning:
    • Example: Students working on a group project that requires research, planning, and execution of a solution to a real-world problem.
  • Critical Thinking Exercises:
    • Example: Debating a topic where students must use logical reasoning and evidence from various sources to form their arguments.


  • Enhanced Cognitive Skills: Develops higher-order thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Transferable Knowledge: Equips students with skills to tackle new and diverse problems.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Encourages inventiveness and the creation of new solutions.

By mastering problem solving, students can develop the ability to create and apply complex rules and procedures, leading to improved critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability in various fields.

Applying Gagne’s Hierarchy in Education

Educators can use Gagne’s Hierarchy of Learning to design effective lesson plans and instructional strategies:

  • Building Foundations: Start with basic signal and stimulus-response learning. For instance, use visual and auditory signals to grab students’ attention and create a conducive learning environment.
  • Step-by-Step Progression: Introduce more complex tasks gradually. In science classes, begin with simple experiments (chaining) before moving to more complex ones requiring understanding of multiple concepts (rule learning).
  • Active Engagement: Encourage students to apply what they learn through hands-on activities and real-world scenarios. For example, in a history class, ask students to analyze historical events (problem solving) using established historical facts (concept learning).
  • Continuous Assessment: Regularly assess understanding at each level. In a language class, conduct vocabulary quizzes (verbal association) before moving on to constructing sentences and paragraphs (chaining and rule learning).


Gagne’s Hierarchy of Learning provides a systematic approach to understanding and implementing effective learning strategies. By recognizing and utilizing each type of learning, educators and learners can ensure a comprehensive and solid educational experience, leading to deeper understanding and practical application of knowledge.

Thankyou so much for reading this complete article, I hope that it helped you to understand Gagne’s Hierarchy of Learning because I feel it really becomes easy when there are so many examples to aid better understanding of the concept. See you in the next article till then, Keep Learning and Reading. Let me know if you have any query related to this topic or any other topic. You can also read another interesting article Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

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