Teaching is a purposeful activity which bring the desirable change in the behavior of learners, the ultimate goal of teaching and learning is the overall development of the learners. Both the teaching and learning are interconnected to each other during teaching an interaction between the experienced person (teacher) and an inexperienced person (student) takes place which helps in the attainment of final goal. There are different levels of teaching that are discussed here.
“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery”.
Bob Talbert
A teacher requires different kinds of strategies and methods to cater the needs of learners and to attain the ultimate learning goal for that, he chooses the appropriate techniques according to the level of teaching . What are different levels of teaching? In this article levels of teaching – made EASY, we are going to learn that different levels of teaching are used by a teacher to help his learners to reach their maximum potential in learning. At the end you will be able to differentiate between memory, understanding and reflective level of teaching.
Exponent:- Herbert
- This level of teaching emphasizes more on rote memorization rather than learning (Thoughtless Teaching).
- Bookish Knowledge is provided to students.
- used at Initial stage of Learning.
- It enables learner to retain and retrieve the knowledge attained.
Aims and Objectives-
- Recognition and reproduction of learned information when required.
- Memory Training is done to make future learning easy.
- Attainment of factual information by rote memorization.
Nature of Subject Matter-
- It is simple, structured and organized.
- learned by cramming or rote memorization.
- One can retain and recall the subject matter easily.
- Subject matter can include simple terms, concepts related to the world around us.
Role of Teacher-
- Teacher plays the dominant and active role.
- He works as authority who control and evaluate performance of learners.
- He takes the initiative by presenting the subject matter to learners and guide them how to perform a particular activity in a desired manner.
Role of Learner-
- Learners play passive role.
- They have to follow teacher’s instructions and behave accordingly.
- They have to memorize the subject manner mechanically without thinking much.
Equipment used-
- Charts
- Models
- Pictures
- Television
- Projector
Evaluation can be done using Oral and Written Tests, generally short answer type questions, multiple choice, true false , match the column are used.
- It is useful for children at lower classes because their intellect is under development.
- Teacher is free to make choices of subject matter, plan it and present it at his will.
- The knowledge attained at this level forms the basis for the future learning.
- It acts as an initial step for understanding and reflective level of teaching.
- help learners to learn new concepts.
- It is pre- requisite for Understanding level.
- It does not contribute in development of learner’s capabilities.
- Knowledge gained at this level does not prove to be helpful in solving real life situations as it doesn’t improve learner’s capabilities.
- Teacher plays the dominant and active role which makes it less interactive and one sided.
- This level does not provide any intrinsic motivation to learners.
- It promotes cramming and ignores understanding of concept.
Suggestions for Improvement-
- Use of Appropriate Teachings Aids .
- Systematic and sequential presentation of subject matter.
- Use of Practice, Drill work , Exercise to strengthen the knowledge attained.
- Regular evaluation of learners.
- Use of Whole to part method to facilitate learning.
Exponent:- Morrison
- It is Memory plus Insight (Thoughtful Teaching).
- It focuses on Mastery over subject.
- New Knowledge acquired is related to the previous knowledge attained.
- Learners are required to comprehend the facts to understand the meaning of different concepts and their relationships.
Aims and Objectives-
- Development of comprehension and application ability.
- It involves generalization of principles and rules in real life situations.
- Provides opportunity to learners to interact with concepts.
- Development of ability to interconnect the facts.
- At this level ability to discriminate ,generalize and synthesize are developed.
Nature of Subject Matter-
- Nature of subject matter is wide as it involves understanding of concepts in addition to memorizing them.
- Large number of concepts are interconnected to help better understanding.
Role of Teacher–
- Teacher plays a significant role but not so dominant.
- He works as facilitator in other words helps the learner in understanding the concepts better.
- Teacher use different methods for delivering the subject matter for example- Lecture method, Discussion method , Inductive and Deductive method.
Role of Learner–
- Learners play active role.
- they may ask questions and doubts to clarify the concepts.
Equipment used–
- Variety of Charts
- Models
- Flashcards
- Working Models
- Real objects.
- Oral Tests
- Written Tests (Essay type)
- Presentation
- Debate
- Discussion
- Learners develop cognitive abilities.
- This level paves way for Reflective level.
- It makes the class more lively and interactive.
- develops intellectual behavior of learners.
- learners do not learn by rote, they understand the facts, its purpose and use.
- This level ignores the higher cognitive abilities.
- emphasize less on Intrinsic motivation
- Individualized learning doesn’t takes place.
- Teaching at this level is subject centered.
Suggestions for Improvement–
- Focus on effective classroom interaction.
- Provide learners opportunities to explore.
- Maintenance of a proper learning environment.
- Effective teaching methods and techniques.
- Appropriate teaching aids.
Exponent:- Hunt
- This level is considered as the highest level of teaching as it includes both memory and understanding level of teaching.( Highly thoughtful)
- It is a problem centric approach therefore students are assumed to adopt research approach to solve a particular problem.
- Classroom environment is open and independent.
- It comprises highest level of learning by developing new insight.
Aims and Objectives–
- Aim is to develop effective power in learners to deal real life situations.
- To develop higher mental processes such as reasoning, thinking ,analyzing, imagination and critical thinking.
- Main focus is development of insight.
Nature of Subject Matter–
Subject matter is unstructured and open ended so helps in development of insight.
Role of Teacher–
- teacher is on secondary place.
- Teacher creates a democratic learning environment so every child can express himself easily.
- A dynamic atmosphere is maintained where learning can take place smoothly.
- Teacher use methods such as problem solving method, investigatory projects, heuristic method and experimental methods.
Role of Learner–
- Learners occupy the primary position.
- Students remain active throughout the learning process which enables them to learn at fast pace.
- By learning by doing strong mental maps are created in other words insight and higher thinking abilities are developed.
- Evaluation of higher thinking abilities are generally done by providing a variety of situations like- Presenting problems , investigatory projects , experimentation , preparing presentation.
- Essay type questions can also be used.
- Attitudes, beliefs and involvement is checked.
- learner centered approach.
- Teaching at this level is highly thoughtful.
- develops intrinsic motivation in learners.
- Develops problem solving ability.
- Useful for gifted learners.
- Caters creativity.
- It is limited to higher classes as it requires high order thinking abilities.
- Puts extra burden on teachers.
- It is a time consuming process.
- not suitable for slow learners.
Suggestions for Improvement
- A proper learning atmosphere should be provided.
- Independent learning should be promoted.
- Teacher should use different methods to develop higher order thinking skills.
There are three levels of teaching that is Memory, Understanding and Reflective level which are also known as thoughtless, thoughtful and highly thoughtful. All this three levels are used at different levels of child’s development as at initial stage a child needs to memorize the information provided when he matures he begins to understand the concepts and at the higher stage of learning he starts reflecting on the concepts and development of insight takes place.
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