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Some Experts say, The word Education is derived from a latin wordEducatum” which means “the act of training or teaching” and other school of scholars consider its origin from another latin wordEducare” that means “to bring up” or “to raise” and “Educere” which means “to lead, to draw out”.

The word Shiksha came from Sanskrit term “Shash” which means “To discipline, to control, to rule or to direct” when we talk about Education in Traditional sense it generally means the controlling the behavior of an individual.

In this Article, we are going to understand the basic goals, nature, stages, functions along with the concept of education and it will develop your insight about Education and You’ll get to know why education plays a significant role in shaping the future of an individual? keep reading the article if you want to explore more.


Education is something, which makes a man self reliant and self less.


Education is that, whose end product is salvation.


Education develops, in the body and soul of the pupil, all the beauty and all the perfection he is capable of.


Education is the child’s development from within.


Education is the development of good moral character.



Some more goals are:-

  • Provide learners an accelerated enriched education.
  • Teach learners how to apply and transfer the acquired knowledge.
  • Encourage creativity and cognitive development.
  • Development of basic communication skills.
  • Encourage leadership and personality development.


Nature of knowledge is complex

  • It is a lifelong process that starts from womb and ends at tomb.
  • Education is a systematic process.
  • It helps in the development of individual and society.
  • Education brings change in behavior and trains the mind, behavior and skills.
  • It reconstructs the experiences.
  • Education helps in balanced development.
  • It is a dynamic process.
  • Education is considered as bipolar and three dimensional process.


In a Narrow Sense,

Education is regarded as equivalent to instructions imparted in school and college. It begins from the entry of a child to school and ends with the departure from the university. So, according to this view education is limited to classroom teaching and provided in formal settings. Teacher presents pre planned material in front of learners.

In a Broad Sense,

Life is Education and Education is Life so, whatever broadens our horizon, deepens our insight, stimulate our thoughts and refines our reactions educate us. We keep on learning new things in life and get different experiences so, it can be rightly said that Education is a way of living.


Informal Education usually takes place outside educational institutions, it does not follow a specific curriculum and can occur accidently so has a spontaneous nature whereas Formal Education generally occurs in school environment within a classroom where learners learn together and trained by a certified teacher for a particular subject, it has its curriculum and student and teacher interact with each other.


  • It is generally believed that education is a process where the empty mind of a child is gradually filled with grains of knowledge.
  • Books and Teachers are the sources of spring of knowledge.
  • Education tries to form the mind by proper presentation of materials by association of content by means of subject matter.
  • Education prepares for future responsibilities and living.
  • The process of learning is more important than the things learned and the mind possess different faculties such as Memory, Attention, Reasoning , Perception, Judgement, Thinking etc.
  • Education plays a significant role in growth and development as a man undergoes different changes from womb to tomb such as physical, mental, moral, emotional and the original nature of man can be changed by training.
  • Young learners have the innate ability, attitudes, interests and instincts and education directs the learner in right direction. The teacher channelizes the energy of his learners in such a way that it promotes the overall development of a child.
  • Adjustment is essential for self development and education is adjustment through self activity.
  • A society is composed of individuals, there must be active co operation and interaction among the members of society.
  • Education is a process which is both narrow as well as wide in nature, It brings changes in behavior which helps him to be the best version of himself.
  • Education is a tripolar process where three poles are teacher, student and society these three actively cooperates in an efficient way for success in life.



The relationship between school and home is the key to educability of child.

Jean Floud (Sociologist)

Education can bring social change, As a man gets educated he starts thinking about the society and realizes its needs, search for its solutions, influence the society which results in social change. So, We can say that it is very important to be educated to live the life to the fullest and move in the right direction. I I hope you enjoyed the article and it is beneficial for you. If you have any suggestions or query, DO WRITE in the comments section. Till then keep learning. FOR MORE ARTICLES VISIT